Light (photons) in Intro Chem - Properties and Calculations

Описание к видео Light (photons) in Intro Chem - Properties and Calculations

We discuss light, its properties, and how to calculate those properties (Energy, Frequency, Wavelength)

0:00 Overview, what is a photon, and its properties
2:54 Light equations. E = hν, E = hc/λ, and c = λν. And don't forget 10^9 nm = 1 m. Energy uses Joules (J), Frequency uses inverse seconds (1/s, s^-1, or Hz for hertz), Wavelength uses meters (m) but is often given in other units, such as nanometers (nm).
5:23 Most common error!... is forgetting to change between nm and m when needed! (This is probably the most important point of this 50 minute video, lol)
7:30 How to write the Greek letters ν (nu) and λ (lamda or lambda).
8:40 Showing/comparing red photon vs. violet photon, to understand the distinctions/differences between wavelength vs. frequency.
17:49 Easy handwaving (literally) trick to remember how higher frequency means higher energy. Waving your hand at a higher frequency requires more of your energy!
18:20 Example 1: Calculate the energy and frequency of a λ = 405 nm photon.
31:22 Optional/alternate Dimensional analysis approach (could be risky for some; I even show myself doing it wrong)
34:58 Electromagnetic spectrum quick reference / cheat sheet
39:26 Mnemonic Device: Real Martians In Venus Use X-ray Goggles
40:59 Visible Light Cheat Sheet / Quick Reference (Energy 10^-19 J, Frequency 10^14 1/s, Wavelength 400 - 800 nm, or 10^-7 m.)
43:00 Bonus extra: red photon example problem.
47:35 Bonus extra: comparison between red and violet photon energy, frequency, wavelength, and speed (don't get tricked by your chem prof on that last one!).


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