Building your Data Science Career: how to become a data scientist

Описание к видео Building your Data Science Career: how to become a data scientist

Data Science is a vast field. It encompasses many activities ranging from collecting data to training advanced neural nets. In this talk, I want to describe possible roles of data scientists, outline the differences between ML courses and real tasks at work, and provide some non-technical suggestions on building career.

Speaker: Andrey Lukyanenko
I'm a Data Scientist, who loves working with data and finding insights in it. Previously I have worked as a ERP-system consultant, which helped me to understand various spheres of business and obtain result-driven mindset. I'm constantly working on improving my skills and acquiring new ones. I am Kaggle Competition Master and hold 1st rank in kernel ranking. Recently I have developed an app which can detect several handwritten objects and recognize them. I aspire to develop Deep Learning applications at work, which could have a positive impact on people.

data analytics
how to become a data scientist
machine learning
kaggle grandmaster


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