How to Solve Abstract Reasoning Questions - Police Entrance Exam Preparation

Описание к видео How to Solve Abstract Reasoning Questions - Police Entrance Exam Preparation

Explanation of the Abstract Reasoning Test to become a Police Officer or Protective services officer.
Analysis of the 5 styles and a quick look into techniques for solving them.
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This exam assesses your ability to think logically, solve problems, and identify patterns and rules based on visual patterns rather than words and numbers. The test is designed to evaluate your cognitive ability, especially your reasoning skills, which are crucial for occupations that require a high level of thinking ability. It is a multiple-choice format exam, and it's essential not to spend too much time on any one question. Instead, you should attempt each question as you come to it, starting with the easiest ones. If you find a question too difficult, don't get stuck on it. Leave it and come back later if you have time. Overall, this test measures your ability to think clearly and make connections based on visual patterns, so approach each question with a logical mindset. Good luck! The 5 styles of questions: Alike in some way / most like them, which one is different, a logical order / which shape comes in the middle, One shape is missing / row best completes the pattern, Box/square pattern/relationship/association / missing shape in the pattern on the top.
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