家常菜【红烧猪蹄】【Braised Pork Knuckle 】满满的胶原蛋白,可美容养颜

Описание к видео 家常菜【红烧猪蹄】【Braised Pork Knuckle 】满满的胶原蛋白,可美容养颜



Braised Pork Knuckle is a popular home-cooked dish
It is both delicious and highly nutritious
Packed with collagen, it can help beautify your skin
It is simple to make, with the most important step being to just let it simmer for a long time!

猪脚 1 个
青葱 一些
姜片 一些
香叶 2,3片
干辣椒 2,3根
草果 1 个
桂皮 1 根
八角 2 颗
冰糖 2 汤匙
陈皮 2 片
啤酒 1 罐
生抽 2 汤匙
老抽 1 汤匙
料酒 少许
盐 适量
鸡精 适量

Ingredients used:
Pork Knuckle 1
Green Onion Some
Ginger Slices Some
Bay Leaves 2-3
Dried Chilies 2-3
Tsaoko Fruit 1
Cinnamon Stick 1
Star Anise 2
Rock Sugar 2 Tablespoons
Tangerine Peel 2
Beer 1 can
Light Soya Sauce 2 tablespoons
Dark Soya Sauce 1 tablespoon
Cooking Wine Some
Salt As preferred
Chicken Seasoning Powder As preferred


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