Powdery Mildew Ka 100% safaya Ek Din Me Organic Control

Описание к видео Powdery Mildew Ka 100% safaya Ek Din Me Organic Control

Powdery Mildew ka khatma sirf 1 din me.
What is powdery mildew?
It is a fungal disease that covers the plant with layers of white powder
Though powdery mildew looks like a serious disease it can be cured easily using organic spray that you can easily prepare.
Powdery mildew indications are white powder on leaves.
Powdery mildew can attack all types of plants in your home garden but there are different species of fungus that can infect only one or few species of plants.
Powdery mildew appears suddenly on the plant leaves. But it spreads quickly. In 2 to 3 days all of the plants get covered with white powder.
Quick spread
Different fungus attacks different plants resulting in powdery mildew
Attacks specific plants
Organic treatment of powdery mildew: Powdery mildew treatment hindi
Powdery mildew best fungicide for home garden plants.
Powdery mildew control - Neem oil + all in one plant tonic organic spray for powdery mildew
Use of Baking soda in treatment of powdery mildew
Use of Vinegar in treatment of powdery mildew
Use of Milk in treatment of powdery mildew
Chemical treatment of powdery mildew using Sulphur based fungicide
2 best for organic remedies of powdery mildew for home garden are Neem oil spray and milk spray
These powdery mildew homemade spray are safe for plants
Plant doesn't wilt
Plant health and immunity improves
Mode of action of diy powdery mildew spray
Neem + all in one plant tonic slowly kills the powdery mildew fungus and lowers the stress of diseased plants. Nutrients in spray improves plane immunity and health.
Caution: Use neem oil that is organic and has 300 ppm. Mix 2.5 ml of neem oil and 1 ml of all in one plant tonic. Also add a few drops of liquid soap.
Use Cow milk. It has medicinal properties. Cow milk. Spray is done in the morning. Plant is kept in morning sunlight, it helps in killing powdery mildew fungus quickly.
Depending on the severity of the powdery mildew infection, 20 to 100% of cow milk can be used for preparing spray.

Do not boil the milk while preparing milk spray for powdery mildew.
Method of treating powdery mildew
Remove infected leaves. You can keep leaves that are less infected if plant is weak or young.
On day one spray the plant thoroughly with neem oil and all in one plant mixed spray.
Drench leaves upside and downside. Wet every part of the plant.
On day two wash the plant thoroughly with milk spray
Thats complete one set of organic treatment for powdery mildew.
Repeat this two day treatment cycle for few days till you do not see any traces of powdery mildew on the plant.or till problem persist.
Powdery mildew will not kill your plant if it is treated on time

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