Tchaikovsky, Hymn Of The Cherubim – A meditation on spiritual light, awareness and awakening

Описание к видео Tchaikovsky, Hymn Of The Cherubim – A meditation on spiritual light, awareness and awakening

A visual meditation and prayer for the shining light of awareness and spiritual awakening, built upon Tchaikovsky’s gorgeous Hymn of the Cherubim. You are invited to reach out to Jonathan or find more support for your journey at Sometimes light is shined into the dark places within oneself; sometimes into the world. Sometimes we receive the light others have to give; sometimes we send our own to others, and sometimes we join together collectively in light. Wherever light is shined, darkness is gone. There is no fight; no battle… darkness is simply, gently gone whenever, wherever light is shined. Amen! Regardless of how often we stumble or close our eyes, may we all continue on the path toward the light!

Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky - known to most from The Nutcracker and it’s sugar-plum fairies, his ballet Swan Lake or his 1812 Overture - had a deeply passionate connection to spirit that remains undiscovered by most modern listeners. Around 1878, Tchaikovsky set music to the Eastern Orthodox texts of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, from which this Hymn of the Cherubim is taken.


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