Heinrich Heine - Collection

Описание к видео Heinrich Heine - Collection

00:00:00 A Fireside Peace
00:01:26 A Love Song
00:02:01 A Mountain Home
00:03:38 A Palm Tree
00:03:56 A Pine Tree stands alone
00:04:15 A Young Man loves a Maiden
00:04:42 Ad Finem
00:05:02 Change of Seasons
00:05:20 Child it would be your Undoing
00:05:40 Death and His Brother Sleep
00:06:26 Death
00:06:47 E en as a Lovely Flower
00:07:07 Hast thou forgotten quite forgotten Dear
00:07:33 I can t forget it
00:07:54 I don t believe in Heaven
00:08:15 I don t know what it could mean
00:08:57 I left thee once in Mad Desire
00:09:34 I Longed to Linger Resting
00:10:04 I murmer not When Heart Break is my Lot
00:10:30 If the Little Flowers Knew
00:11:02 Immovable Unchanging
00:11:28 In foolish error I from Thee did Stray
00:12:07 Le Fond du Coeur
00:12:36 Love s Burial
00:13:33 My Child we were Children
00:14:37 My Darling we Sat Together
00:15:05 My Day was Happy
00:15:42 Ni Haine Ni Amour
00:16:13 Night on the Shore
00:18:16 Of Pearls and Stars
00:18:39 Once I had
00:18:56 Once I Saw Many
00:19:30 Silent is the Night
00:20:02 Sleep and in Peace How canst thou
00:20:31 Still is the Night and the Streets are Lone
00:21:05 Summer Eve
00:21:32 The Asra
00:22:04 The Echo
00:22:26 The Evening Gossip
00:23:17 The Fir Tree and the Palm
00:23:43 The Going One
00:24:23 The Hostil Brothers
00:25:30 The Lorelei
00:26:14 The Message
00:26:49 The Old Dream Comes Again to Me
00:27:17 The Tear
00:27:54 The Unknown
00:28:44 The Voyage
00:29:28 The Years are coming and Going
00:29:49 There lies the Heat of Summer
00:30:04 There was an old King
00:30:30 They have company coming this Evening
00:30:59 To my Mother
00:31:35 Under the white Tree
00:32:15 Warm Summer dwells upon thy Cheeks
00:33:19 What s This A Tear one Only
00:33:57 When I at Journey
00:34:46 When I
00:35:22 Where
00:35:52 Why the Roses are so Pale
00:36:21 Yes thou art Wretched and I murmer Not
00:36:57 You art even as a Flower is
00:37:18 Your Contenance so lovely and so beautiful

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