Colorado Dentist Poisons Wife's Protein Shakes | Arrest Affidavit, Murder Charge

Описание к видео Colorado Dentist Poisons Wife's Protein Shakes | Arrest Affidavit, Murder Charge

This is Part 2: 45-year-old James Craig was arrested on Sunday, March 19th, 2023 in Aurora, Colorado and charged with murdering his wife and mother of their six children, Angela Craig.

Watch Part 1 here:

James was a dentist and is accused of using his credentials to buy toxic substances online, such as potassium cyanide, which he then added to his wife's pre-workout smoothies since March 6th. She died on March 18th. Text messages and YouTube searches revealed that he had repeatedly asked about her symptoms and had also been discussing her health with his MISTRESS, an orthodontist from Texas. Angela had visited the hospital three times in 10 days, complaining of nausea and dizziness, but doctors were not able to determine what was wrong with her.

On March 8th-10th, Craig's mistress flew to Colorado to be with him, while his wife was in hospital. Text messages and his search history revealed that he had planned it all, while pretending to support her through horrible physical symptoms.

Let's unpack all the details of this crazy case. Condolences to Angela's family and friends.

Arrest Affidavit document source:

00:00:00 Start
00:00:17 Case Intro
00:01:15 What kind of qualities do you look for?
00:02:34 He had dr*gged Angela in the past?
00:03:19 The many ways he manipulated his wife
00:04:12 Exam room number 9 at odd hours
00:08:02 His dental practice promo video
00:09:20 Let's start with the end in mind
00:016:05 March 18th, 2023, James Craig was arrested (NO Bond, First-degree murder charge)
00:19:14 Marital problems and the date Angela started feeling sick
00:20:00 The package that James asked not to be opened was opened
00:22:18 James lies... a lot. Listen to this made up story!
00:27:20 James took photos of Angela at the hospital and sent it to a friend
00:27:41 James tries to guilt trip his friend
00:36:15 What James told a CPS case worker
00:44:38 Text messages between Angela and James as her health deteriorates
01:06:10 His Google searches and Amazon purchases
01:15:10 How he got hold of cyanide?
01:18:20 His mistress had multiple trips planned to see him and was visiting while Angela was sick in the hospital
01:20:31 James' gambling and financial trouble
01:24:09 Closing thoughts & Lessons
01:25:06 Outro

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Stay Safe!
Gisela K.

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