
Описание к видео Integrity

A few words about my last video with the disturbing witness dream and a video I came across, talking about "telepathy is working". As trained medium I know that telepathy is real and working, had my own first hand experiences with that. But the story that was told had so many unquestioned things mentioned, speaking about the missing integrity while abusing psychic skills, that I had to address it.

#medium #mediumship #mediumshipexperience #experience #psychic #psychicmedium #psychicskills #psychicexperience #telepathy #usingpsychicskills #abusingpsychicskills #chakras #workingonchakras #thirdeyechakra #throatchakra #invertedchakras #cosmiclaws #noninterference #respect #freewill #respectfreewill #selfishness #desires #selfishdesires #materialism #truth #cosmictruths #consciousness #energy #healingenergy #reikihealing #defensewall #enteringanothersconsciousness #kingdomofheavens #invisiblerealms #consciousnessfield #master #masterinyourheart #sacredheart #heartspace #soul #soulspace #soulconnection #fractal #fractalofsource #sourceinside #masterinside #innerworld #abuse #integrity #ethics #moral #whole #beingwhole #beingintegre #values #ideals #unwrittenrules #cosmicrules #karma #lawofcauseandeffect #causeandeffect #whatyouputout #questions #questioning #spirtual #spirituality #spirituallaws #energywork ##disrespect


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