Instant Kill 24 Cob | Fog Endless

Описание к видео Instant Kill 24 Cob | Fog Endless

Wow this is a unique setup 💀

I played this for an upcoming fog 24 cob relay on bilibili. This is the second 'official' relay, the first being 24 cob in 2021; I'll update this description once the relay is posted to bilibili
Edit: Relay-

Solution: Adjacent C7u, IPP-ccccBPPDDSS | IPP-ccccBPPDD | PPSSDD | NSD/NSA | PPDDDD ( 15.26 | 16.72 | 6.01 | 6.01 | 6.01 )
Sequence explanation:
Skill standard:
1st ever manual, solution made by Kadabrium.
The wavelength for the second ice wave can be shorter than 16.72s because the DD cobs on the 5th wave of the sequence can be delayed farther into the wave than 4.01s but idk what the exact wavelength is.

This solution isn't exactly made to be an instant kill solution, it's made to be an adjacent C7u solution. It's very difficult to make a solution using that rhythm because the wavelengths have to be very long (16s) and the cobs are on column 8. You also have almost too many cobs to work with which is why you instant kill on the first ice wave.

This solution is way more difficult than I was expecting. The wavelengths (especially on the second ice wave) are super precise. With script, the wavelengths would be exactly as written in the solution. However, with manual play, you have to drag out the ice waves longer so the cobs on w7 and w16 (1:01) have time to reload. This leads to the risk of the gigas unslowing too early after the second ice wave which is super deadly.
I would say the window for error is around 0.3s which is absolutely ridiculous considering you have to judge the wavelength based purely on intuition since there's no visual cue. This is the true test of wavelength control

Also, if you couldn't tell, this solution is NOT rigorous or stable. Ladders and jacks can annihilate the front cobs because the wavelengths are too long.

Technically with script, the doom wave can and should be placed right after the second ice wave but this doesn't really work with manual play because sometimes that wave spawns in early or late and it's impossible to predict unless you play by script. This isn't an issue with PPSSDD because that operation can work no matter what time the next wave spawns in. I struggled for a while because I placed the doom wave in the wrong place which made it more difficult than it needed to be

Hydroxyl-OH (chinese mobile player) played a solution similar to this except it was inter C7u instead of adjacent C7u but his solution was less stable than this one. I can't link because the video has been taken down


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