Rahasia tumis daging sapi empuk ala Chinese Restoran atau restoran bintang lima..

Описание к видео Rahasia tumis daging sapi empuk ala Chinese Restoran atau restoran bintang lima..

#tumisdaging #dagingsapicabeijo #indoculinairehunter
Pada kesempatan ini saya membagikan rahasia tumis daging sapi yang empuk ala Chinese Restoran atau restoran bintang lima. Cara memasak daging sapi yang empuk mudah sekali dan bisa dengan berbagai cara seperti di rendam air nanas, diberi baking soda, baking powder, dilumuri bawang putih, diremas dengan daun pepaya dan lain-lain. Resep tumis sapi daging cabe ijo mudah sekali cara memasaknya dan rasanya enak banget, gurih, pedas dan sedikit manis. Tumis daging sapi cabe ijo adalah cara lain memasak daging sapi tidak hanya dibuat rendang atau semur, tapi ditumis pun daging sapi sangat enak rasanya.
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Daging sapi iris tipis 1 kg
Cabe keriting ijo 100 gram
Bawang bombay besar 1 buah
Bawang putih iris 6 siung
Merica/lada bubuk 1/2 sendok makan
Ketumbar bubuk 1 sendok teh
Lengkuas 5 cm iris tipis atau digeprek
Jahe gajah 5 cm iris korek api
Daun salam 2 lembar
Daun jeruk 4 lembar
Daun bawang 3 batang
Tepung maizena 1,5 sendok makan
Baking powder 1 sendok teh
Saus tiram 6 sendok makan
Minyak goreng secukupnya
Air 200 ml

On this occasion I share the secret of stir-fried tender beef ala Chinese Restaurant or five-star restaurant. How to cook tender beef is very easy and can be done in various ways such as soaking in pineapple water, adding baking soda, baking powder, smearing garlic, kneading with papaya leaves and others. The recipe for stir-fried beef with green chili is very easy to cook and tastes really good, savory, spicy and slightly sweet. Stir-fried beef with green chili is another way to cook beef not only made into rendang or semur, but stir-fried beef also tastes very good.
Enjoy trying the recipe, don't forget to like, share, comment and subscribe also activate the notification bell to get notifications when I upload a new video. Thank you, greetings of good health to everyone.

1 kg thinly sliced ​​beef
100 grams green curly chili
1 large onion
6 cloves sliced ​​garlic
1/2 tablespoon pepper powder
1 teaspoon coriander powder
5 cm galangal thinly sliced ​​or crushed
5 cm elephant ginger sliced ​​into matchsticks
2 bay leaves
4 lime leaves
3 stalks spring onions
1.5 tablespoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon baking powder
6 tablespoons oyster sauce
Cooking oil to taste
200 ml water


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