Akrobatické vystúpenie AirGym na TEDxBratislava | AirGym . | TEDxBratislava

Описание к видео Akrobatické vystúpenie AirGym na TEDxBratislava | AirGym . | TEDxBratislava

AirGym priniesli na TEDxBratislava svoju unikátnu akrobatickú show a zdvihli divákov zo stoličiek.
AirGym brought to TEDxBratislava its unique acrobatic show and made the audience to stand up.
The acrobatic group AirGym was founded by the acrobat Tomáš Pintér, who is also academically engaged in the topic of safety in acrobatics. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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