M-TAC Elite Dangler pouch (MM14 Large), Review

Описание к видео M-TAC Elite Dangler pouch (MM14 Large), Review

Hey everybody welcome back to another episode of Muddy Reviews, in this video, we are checking out the M-TAC Elite Dangler in MM14 Ukrainian Camouflage. This is the Large dangler and is a really nice design and item from UKR. This is a nice dangler for the Airsofter or military member alike and is being battle-proven on the Eastern front of the War in Ukraine (also known as Russia's "Special Military Operation") currently.

M-TAC has been making kit for Ukraine since 2014 (I wonder why that date is so relevant?) and has been seen in use by Ukranian line Infantry, Marines, Special Operations, and Foreign Volunteers. The brand has outlets outside of UKR in the EU and also as it turns out on Amazon where I got this dangler. I paid 47.95$ USD for the dangler, and you can find it here:


The Dangler was honestly a surprise to me, I wasn't expecting it to be junk by any means the M-Tac shirt I purchased was well made but I didn't expect it to be as large yet non-cumbersome as it is. It is big enough to hold what I require but not so big that I will overstuff it. I also was surprised at the MM14 camo in photos it looked so much like the old US Army UCP that I was expecting it to be considerably less aesthetically pleasing. I honestly like this dangler and was really glad I got it for the UKR kit I have been working on for the last year.

I hope this review was useful for you all out there, and you found a new piece of kit and company. Definitely give M-TAC a look, I spoke with their customer service and they plan on bringing plate carriers to the US market late this year or early in '24 so that is exciting because I have been wanting to get my hands on one of the M-TAC plate carriers for a minute. As always, folks get out there and play some Airsoft, LARP smarter, Not harder, and above all else, take care.

#airsoft #airsoftnation #airsoftvideo #ukraine


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