ተፈጥሯዊ በቤታችን የምናዘጋጀው ጥርስ ማንጫ ውህድ |DIY Turmeric Teeth Whitening | Turn Yellow Teeth To Pearl White

Описание к видео ተፈጥሯዊ በቤታችን የምናዘጋጀው ጥርስ ማንጫ ውህድ |DIY Turmeric Teeth Whitening | Turn Yellow Teeth To Pearl White

ተፈጥሯዊ በቤታችን የምናዘጋጀው ጥርስ ማንጫ ውህድ |DIY Turmeric Teeth Whitening | Turn Yellow Teeth To Pearl White

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Hello and welcome to our channel fetun tube, we have brought you a diy video on how to whiten your teeth naturally at home. It is easy to make and you can easily find all the remedies at home or in a nearby supermarket. Besides whitening our teeth most of the ingredients have anti-bacterial properties which are very effective in fighting bad breath and making our teeth healthier.


Turmeric Powder
Baking Soda

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