Women Can Make a Difference & Speak Up

Описание к видео Women Can Make a Difference & Speak Up

Bible, Women & Bathrobes, Episode 46
Bible Women: Abigail, part 2


Tamara, Tiffany & Amy discussed the second part of Abigail’s story from 1 Samuel 25:27-42. Abigail was a woman from the time of David, who parallels Jesus in her life and actions. Abigail, married to the rude and foolish Nabal, interceded when David's men were insulted and prepared to be killed. She approached David with food and pleaded for mercy, reminding him of who he was as his future as king and his pure heart. David, moved by her wisdom and humility, forgave Nabal and spared his life. Nabal later died, and Abigail became one of David's wives. The story highlights Abigail's role as a type of Christ, taking upon herself others' sins and making amends, and the importance of humility and wisdom in resolving conflicts.

Main Takeaways
• From Amy, “Sometimes we will be the one who says, whoa, whoa, whoa, I see you coming at me with swords and be really disarming. And sometimes we'll have to be the one coming with swords and have to say, Okay, I'm gonna lay down my weapons of war, because I can see the value of what you're saying.”
• From Tiffany, “She reminded him of who he was. And I think that that especially as mothers, as women, a lot of time, we see contention in our children, in our spouses, maybe possibly in the people around us. And it's so important that we remind them of who they are. Because when we recognize who we are and whose we are and that the Lord is with us and that he fights our battles, then it just automatically disarms that contention.”
• From Tamara, “And sometimes I think we feel that was so not fair. I need reparations for what was done to me. And we see here in Abigail that she took food in just immense quantities to make amends. And I can see the Savior doing the same thing in our lives-- I will make amends for all the wrongs that have been done against you. And it's just such beautiful imagery in my mind, of Him willingly taking upon Himself sins that were not his, making abundant reconciliation, forgiving wholly and completely with compassion and empathy and then helping us let go of the vengeful feelings--Helping redeem both the accused and the accuser.”

Additional takeaway from Tiffany, “I think that we as women need to understand that our voices matter, and that are like when we are speaking for the Lord, as Abigail clearly was, we can make miracles happen. We can change minds and hearts like she changed David's heart. And we can do great things for our Heavenly Father, if we are willing to open our mouth.”

Questions to Ponder
• How can we apply Abigail's example of humility and wisdom in our own lives when facing challenging situations?
• How can we, like Abigail, be "disarming" in the way we approach and respond to difficult situations and people? What does that look like in practice?
• Abigail reminded David of who he truly was - a man fighting the Lord's battles. How can we similarly help others remember their divine identity and purpose when they are struggling or tempted to act out of emotion rather than wisdom?
• Abigail was willing to humbly serve, even offering to "wash the feet of the servants." What does that kind of selfless, servant-hearted attitude look like in our own lives and relationships? How can we cultivate more of that spirit?

Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests
Tamara K. Anderson
Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/

Amy Johnson
Amy is a member of our Women Warriors of Light Advisory Board. She is a leader of women, a homemaker, and a licensed cosmetologist. Amy enjoys nurturing women through betrayal trauma to becoming a beacon of support and inspiration.

Tiffany Fletcher
Tiffany is a member of our Women Warriors of Light advisory board. She is an author, wife, mother and an example of faith & courage. Through her life experiences she shares hope in coming from a place of darkness to light and love. You can find her on social media @tiffanyfletcher or on her blog: motherhadasecret.blogspot.com

If you’d like to read the transcript of today’s episode, you can find it on our Women Warriors of Light website blog.


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