Demo: Rite-O Fizz Fuzz Deluxe "Mizz Fizz Fuzz" Special

Описание к видео Demo: Rite-O Fizz Fuzz Deluxe "Mizz Fizz Fuzz" Special

The "Mizz Fizz Fuzz" is a Fizz Fuzz with an extra knob that became, with some outward design changes, the first Fizz Fuzz Deluxe. I was going to do a few of these but decided to do the Fizz Fuzz Deluxe instead. Thanks to my daughter Jane for helping draw Mizz Fizz Fuzz to my angular specifications. The video is from February 2021,

The audio this time around is mono mix of the microphone on the amp speaker and an ambient mic. Whenever I'm speaking, the cellphone audio is also in the mix.

Amp: Solid state Yamaha G30-112
Guitar: Kramer with split coil humbucker using the bridge half.
Mic at Amp: SM30 Clone (Pyle PDMIC78)
Mic Ambient: Condenser salvaged from 1980s Panasonic boombox


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