Ordinary Day - Jim♥Kayley (Sinbad♥Belle)

Описание к видео Ordinary Day - Jim♥Kayley (Sinbad♥Belle)

I LOVE how this one turned out!!! XD So upbeat and happy!

Simple storyline:

Kayley's in love with Jim, but Jim is more in love with adventure (i.e. Kayley lookin' all fancy and Jim more worried about the sky.) Jim overhears a pirate talking about all his adventures and wants the same, so he sets off on a ship, leaving a heartbroken Kayley.

Years later, he returns to a similar "Fancy party" and sees how beautiful Kayley has become. It takes her a moment to recognize the man, but she eventually realizes who it is. Kayley goes with him on one of his "adventures" endangering her life in the process. But as she's attacked, Jim realizes how much he really does care about her, so he rushes to her rescue! XD
After that, Jim makes regular visits to see her.

A few days later, when he's supposed to set sail again, he sees her rushing to tell him goodbye, and jumps ship to meet her. She reaches the top believing she's too late, until she hears him behind her. They get their goodbye, but when she gets home, she discovers it wasn't goodbye after
all. . . HE STAYED! XD

Well, now that he's stayed, Kayley has to decide whether he wants to accept his love, fearing he'll hurt her again, but then realizing how much he's changed. Needless to say, happy ending for all! XD

Oh. . . Not sure what's up with the book, it just kinda fit the mood. :)


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