The next wave of EV adoption | FE Unscripted

Описание к видео The next wave of EV adoption | FE Unscripted

The first wave of zero-emissions truck adoption has crested and splashed on the shores of the trucking industry. First-moving fleets have invested in battery electric truck charging infrastructure, recalculated routes to ensure that electric trucks meet demands and are now managing their equipment to reap their first round of ROI.

For the rest of the trucking world--including long haul--there are still plenty of questions. The biggest difference between now and before EVs were available is that fleets are starting, in a very real way, to ask the question: What does my zero-emission truck future look like? (Oh yeah, and... regulations.) Also different: Truck OEMs have answers to those questions.

"The challenge goes back to: As we hit the adoption curve, and we start the hockey stick rise in truck adoption--along with that comes the need for the infrastructure; I'd say infrastructure is the biggest challenge that we've run into at Kenworth, and I think that's true for just about anybody in the field," noted Stephen Olsen, general sales manager, zero emissions, Kenworth. "An interesting observation from our experience is when we went out over the past couple years and worked with customers to evaluate locations where they plan to operate trucks, we found that about 80% of those locations did not have adequate infrastructure to support the trucks the customers wanted to deploy."

So, what do you do as an OEM that has invested time, energy and money into the development of battery electric vehicles?

Watch the video to find out.


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