How Psychedelics Can Change Your Life, According to Michael Pollan | Opinions | NowThis

Описание к видео How Psychedelics Can Change Your Life, According to Michael Pollan | Opinions | NowThis

‘I saw myself explode into a little cloud of Post-It notes.’ — Author Michael Pollan says a psychedelic experience dissolved his ego and gave him a new perspective on life.
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US news, Author Michael Pollan (How to Change Your Mind) sat down with NowThis News to talk about psychedelics and spirituality, and how his psychedelic experience dissolved his ego. For Michael Pollan, psychedelic experience opened up a whole new world. After this NowThis News opinions video you can see a Michael Pollan interview on the Joe Rogan podcast the Joe Rogan Experience or at London Real. Mental health nursing is so important and according to Michael Pollan, psychedelic drugs might be part of the mind puzzle.

Michael Pollan explains why ego dissolution during a psychedelic experience can be life-changing. Pollan wrote ‘How to Change Your Mind,’ a book published in 2018 about the history, present, and potential future of psychedelics Ego dissolution is defined as a ‘complete loss of subjective self-identity,’ and can occur during a high-dose psychedelic journey Pollan experienced ego dissolution while writing his book.

Pollan: ‘I mean, I think most of us think we're identical to our ego. That's who we are. And to learn that you're not, that there is another ground on which to stand and face life that is less defended, that is not building walls against other people, against nature, that's not looking for like, am my up or am I down? You know, just the whole kind of metrics of ego experience, is incredibly freeing and it gives you an insight that experienced meditators have, that other people who have done a lot of personal development work and perhaps psychotherapy, understand that the ego is a tool. That it's one voice among many that you can cultivate in your head. And getting past it gives you an opportunity to experience life in a less guarded way, less defended way, which means a deeper, stronger connection to nature, a deeper, stronger connection to other people in your life. These channels open up and they're very often filled with love. Connections that we defend against normally to protect ourselves, or death for example. I mean, when you've experienced the ego dissolution, death is less frightening, because death is one of the big things egos defend us against. Make no mistake, egos have great value. There's a reason we evolved to have egos. They get a lot done. They pursue our evolutionary goals of survival and reproduction, and they do it with great success. But at a cost. At a cost of disconnection. Disconnection from other people, disconnection from nature, and for some people, disconnection from divinity, however they define it. So, for me, that's one of the most interesting phenomena in this work. That we now recognize we have a chemical—a molecule—that can help people achieve this dissolution of ego, and that doing so has enormous therapeutic value. If you think about the people who are trapped in habits of thought, people who are depressed or anxious, very often there is an ego telling a very destructive story. ‘I am unworthy of love.’ ‘I can't get through the day without a cigarette or a drink.’ ‘My work is worthless.’ And to silence that voice, or to realize that that voice is just one voice that you don't have to listen to, allows people to break out of habits — really destructive habits — of thought and behavior.

‘I saw myself explode into a little cloud of post-it notes. I was just little slips of paper, yet I was perceiving this from some new vantage point that was completely untroubled by what should have been a catastrophe. I was done. And I looked out again and I was just a coat of paint, just kind of spread very thinly over the landscape, and I was no more. Yet I was perceiving this from a perspective that was completely unfamiliar — that was objective, calm, unburdened, and liberated. And I had been liberated from my ego. My ego had dissolved. And it wasn't frightening, it was just the way things should be, and I felt completely reconciled to it.’ - Michael Pollan

#Psychedelics #MichaelPollan #Ego

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