Can you beat Halo CE with only the MA5B?

Описание к видео Can you beat Halo CE with only the MA5B?

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Challenge Details:
I am playing on normal difficulty for this challenge.
Pretty much the only rule is i can only kill enemies with the assault rifle.
I can drive vehicles as long as i don't roadkill and my allies can kill enemies for me.

Pillar of Autumn: When i talk to captain Keyes he hands me a pistol, not only that but apparently it’s not loaded. “Captain, you know I only use the MA5B, that’s why they call me MA5B man, already i’m being sabotaged, this is exactly why i’m a pessimistic glass-is-half-full kinda guy. Your incompetence has been noted Captain Keyes”. The captain is gonna crash-land on the ring so i take cortana and try to leave asap before this psycho gets us all killed, i guess he’s gonna take his vacation or die trying. As i try to leave the bridge problem number 2 presents itself in big bold letters. These grunts got to the bridge scarily fast, and without harm. They have to go through me first but i’m unable to kill them at this point because in order to pick up the assault rifle the doors have to open, and they only open when the grunts die so i thought the challenge was an immediate fail. I ran back to the bridge to cower in fear and wait for my inevitable death, and that’s when i noticed the checkpoint. When i went back to the hallway, all the grunts were gone, it is quite curious that these unggoy had the chance to storm the bridge and kill the captain but chose not to. Very curious. But the doors opened so now i could begin my genocidal campaign in peace and get closer to securing my vacation. The pillar of autumn is a simple level to get through, the only enemies are grunts and elites, and although the elites have those powerful energy shields the MA5B cuts through their defenses really fast in a close-quarters fight like a hot knife through butter. The ammo for my rifle is scattered all around the ship so running out is never an issue, by far the toughest fight in this level are the bent doors because i need to smack them in order to progress through the level. I tried to kill them with my rifle but they wouldn’t budge. I figured the challenge was doomed here but i let it slide because inanimate objects don’t count as enemies. I continued through the ship killing enemies and resupplying my teammates with fresh ammunition, until we hopped on the lifepod and descended towards Halo before Keyes could kill us all with his suicidal intentions.

Halo: We crash land on the ring and everyone dies, “ohh lucky for me i have powerarmor pussies, get fucked” i didn’t have the time to grieve because Halo was a paradise, a place to be happy so i left their corpses in gods hands. The MA5B is more like a smg in terms of performance. It has a large magazine with 60 rounds, a high rate of fire, and quickly loses accuracy and damage with range. So open maps like Halo poses a real problem. With the lack of cover the covenant quickly shred my shields, playing cocky and carelessly works well in the first level but down here, you can only do that if you’ve drank up all your polyjuice potion like a good little SPARTAN, blend into their ranks to get up close, and then drop a surprise ambush. But this isn’t Harry Potter so down here the only option left is operation KEISOABWD. Kill every inhuman son of a bitch without dying. The purple elites are strong and deal out a lot of damage, trying to kill them in the open, especially in groups of other covenant is a dangerous dice-roll. This is also where we’re introduced to jackals, they’re actually easier to kill in open areas because you have time to dodge their overcharged shots and you can easily swing around them to hit them where it hurts, i think with this level i just got lucky with how quickly the jackals were dying. But if i’ve learned anything in this life, it’s that luck tends to run out. We get our first ever warthog and i drive very carefully as hitting any enemy with the vehicle will result in their death and the failure of the challenge. I pretty much just use it for getting to places faster, use it as a ladder or use it as a distraction. I go around to section A,B, and C trying to save my men since a vacation alone would get very lonely. Section A and B were really easy, there was plenty of cover and they came to me for the most part but section C was a little more tricky. There is cover over by my friends but i was impatient and used the warthog as mobile cover which almost backfired but eventually they all died. Echo 419 picks us up and drops us off near a ship called the truth and reconciliation so we can get in and free the captain. Hell yeah, operation save the suicidal homie.

Truth and Recon: My excitement quickly turned to disgust as i witnessed i held a sniper rifle in my hands. Don’t get me wrong, sniper rifles are great weapons. They provide a great in depth view of cooch and make you look like the most alpha man in the bar, but MA5B man only uses the MA5B. Every


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