Building a MODERN ARMY in LEGO...

Описание к видео Building a MODERN ARMY in LEGO...

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DaleyBricks builds LEGO Modern Armies and Modern LEGO Soldiers in todays video. From the LEGO US Army to the LEGO Russian Army. We look at custom lego minifigures, lego soldiers, lego armor, and so many more lego army soldiers and weapons. We also take a look at working illegal lego weapons. #lego #legominifigures #legocity

Thanks for watching this LEGO content! I do more LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Zombies, LEGO Jurrasic Park, LEGO Marvel, LEGO Guns, LEGO Military, LEGO Weapons, LEGO Medieval Knights, LEGO Castle, LEGO Experiments and more LEGO Moc content as well as stop motion animation content on this channel! Be sure to subscribe and comment if you want me to cover any other LEGO topics!

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