Part 1 : Installing 3rd party Android Apps APK (such as netflix) in Unifi Plus Box (sideload apps)

Описание к видео Part 1 : Installing 3rd party Android Apps APK (such as netflix) in Unifi Plus Box (sideload apps)

Turn on subtitle ( apologies for my bad english)

   • Part 2 : Installing 3rd party Android...  

Step 1 : Install developer tool in your Unifi Plus Box via play store.
Step 2 : Enable USB debugging in developer tool.
Step 3: Go to Unifi Plus box setting to remember your home wifi address.
Step 4: Now go to your computer, if Window, open Command Prompt; if Mac, open terminal
Step 5: Install (ADB For Window) OR (Nexus tool for Mac), refer useful link below.
Step 6: After install, connect the computer to unifi box with command 'adb connect' space ip address and hit enter.
Step 7: After connection established, use command 'adb install' then drag your apk to after the command 'adb install', other wise, manually insert your apk file location & hit enter.
Step 8: If successfully installed, if it is not appear on the tv box, go to Setting-- App-- System App, they will be there.
Step 9: Install TV launcher from play store, so you can easily access the new app that you installed from tv box home page.
Step 10 : Enjoy!

***IF COMMAND NOT FOUND, that mean your mac not able to locate Nexus tool location, use this command, without () :
(export PATH="/Users/****/.nexustools":PATH)
for ****, refer your mac machine username or double check file location.

Useful link:
1) ADB For Window :
How to setup ADB on Microsoft Windows:

2) Nexus tool for Mac :
Nexus Tools does not need to be downloaded, just paste this command into the terminal:

3) Command to install Nexus & any app
--- (install Nexus) bash (curl -s
-- (connect tv to unifi box) adb connect (ip adress)
-- (installing app) adb install (then drag the file in)

3) Reference website
Install APKs from your PC with ADB :

Developer tool in playstore:

Netflix version 7.91 HD :

TV launcher in playstore:

IG :   / saga.lmst.jun  
IG :   / k3.jun23  
IG :   / junkitlow  


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