Enhancing Situational Awareness with FirstNet and Drone Technology

Описание к видео Enhancing Situational Awareness with FirstNet and Drone Technology

This is a recording of the webinar held on November 10, 2021 which covered:
1) A Live Drone Demo to explore operations and incident-based tactics
-Mission preplanning
-Multiple aircraft and feeds
-Interoperability amongst ‘neighboring' agencies
-Incorporating ESRI Layers into missions
-Airspace Deconfliction

2) PSCR overview of the 2021 First Responder UAS Triple Challenge. With a total of up to $720K in awards, this competition is comprised of three challenges with three different focus areas — all aimed at advancing UAS technology to support critical, life-saving missions. PSCR invites any and all drone and security enthusiasts to join.

3) The key technologies and solutions from the FirstNet Authority Roadmap that impact situational awareness, and user experience now and in the future.

4) Roundtable Discussion – Public Safety’s take on useful, actionable information to inform decision-making

5) Open Questions & Answers from the audience to explore opportunities for industry, public safety through agency partners

FirstNet Authority - Jeff Bratcher, Chief Technology Officer
FirstNet Authority – Travis Hull, Domain Lead - User Experience
Dronesense – Joshua Pruitt, Public Safety UAS Operations Specialist
York County EMA - Marc Brunelle, IMT Planning Section Chief / UAS Team Leader
Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) - Terese Manley, Open Innovation & Crowdsourcing
Fire Captain (Ret) & Technologist - Kirk Mckinzie
Smart Firefighting – Kevin Sofen

Note: The video is intentionally blurred at approximately 17:20 and briefly approximately seven minutes later to protect the privacy of one of the panelists.


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