Assassin's Creed: Origins Intro (Sapmeh Nome)

Описание к видео Assassin's Creed: Origins Intro (Sapmeh Nome)

Welcome back to the Retro Gamer 365 where we are gaming every day! This is Professor Stu and this is the introduction and the first zone of Assassin's Creed: Origins! First up is a disclaimer that this game is rated "M" for mature due to blood, language, violence, sexual themes, and probably some other things as well. Viewer discretion is advised!

Origins is by no means the first game in the AC series but it is the first game that uses a real combat system! The "everything is done by pushing the "o" button" system that was used in all of the games from the first AC through Syndicate was lacking at best and, at worst, was completely non-functional.

Origins stars the Medjay protector of pharaohs, known as Bayek, who is from the town of Siwa, located in the region of Egypt known as Sapmeh in this game. This zone is the starting zone but it also is returned to later and has some much-higher level enemies who WILL murder you if you try and clear every area during the introduction.

Run through this area however you wish, farm some mats to make upgrades, or just kill the boss and move on north to find Cleopatra, the choice is your's! Any way that you look at it though, this game is up to you how you play it as long as you follow the story quests at some point. So enjoy the game and play it your way!

Next up will be the first section of the Egyptian capital of Alexandria on the search for Aya and Cleopatra! Thanks for joining us, hit those subscribe, like, and notification buttons and keep on gaming every day!



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