Quail Chick fed to Corn Snake - Live Feeding

Описание к видео Quail Chick fed to Corn Snake - Live Feeding

Something new for my pet corn snake. She's never had avian prey before today. After a little trepidation, she gulped down three quail chicks easily and still looked ready for more!

In this video, Quetzal nabs this little bird from behind and excitedly stuffs it down without taking any extra time to constrict. Thus, this chick gets to experience being swallowed alive. Unfortunately, the video cuts off as she wanted to eat the camera next. 😅

This is a quail chick that was just a couple days old. Although snakes can live on rodents alone, a varied diet provides additional enrichment. Keep an eye out for more feeding videos featuring quail and other prey in the future!


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