The Happy Prince | Review of "the last picture of Oscar Wilde"

Описание к видео The Happy Prince | Review of "the last picture of Oscar Wilde"

Oscar Wilde's short story "The Happy Prince" is a strong allegory used to represent the last years of the author's life: the period of imprisonment, decay, illness and death.
Written and directed by Rupert Everett, the movie can be considered the last and probably the ultimate picture of Oscar Wilde, discovering the
artist as a human being whose dark sides, strong feelings, extravagances and unconventional choices were punished by the hypocricy and the bigotry of society.
An amazingly graceful interpretation by Colin Morgan as Sir Alfred "Bosie" Douglas displays with elegant talent the multifaceted relationshib between the eccentric
artist and the unnamed receiver of Oscar's letter from prison, De Profundis, in which humanity and feelings are genuinely asserted without idealism.


Official DVD of "The Happy Prince":


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Chi sono: Sara Albanese, nata a Treviso nel 1982, si è laureata presso la Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere dell’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, diventando poi Docente di Lingua e Letteratura Tedesca ed Inglese, scrittrice, traduttrice e mediatrice linguistica.

Ad Maiora: corsi compattati, approccio alle lingue stranieri, approfondimenti letterari, interpretazioni filosofiche, consigli per affrontare esami universitari e di scuola superiore.


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