Excel Tutorial for Beginners #11 | Excel Formulas and Functions | Information Function in Excel

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Excel Tutorial for Beginners #11 | Excel Formulas and Functions | Information Function in Excel
Welcome back to MS Excel Tutorial for Data Analytics powered by Acadgild. In the previous session, we talked about Data Validation in Excel. In this excel tutorial, you will be able to see a newer section of excel training, will be jumping through the statistical functions and other functions. Particularly in this video, you will be able to start with information functions in Excel that is nothing but ‘IS’ function. We call this as information function because when we use this function it gives information in the form of true or false.
Information functions in Excel:
1. ISTEXT function
2. ISNUMBER function
3. ISLOGICAL function
4. ISBLANK function
5. ISERROR function
6. ISERR function
7. ISNA function
8. ISODD function
9. ISEVEN function

If you have missed the previous session, kindly click the following link,
Sum Function:    • Excel Tutorial for Beginners #1 | Exc...  
Count Function:    • Excel Tutorial for Beginners #2 | Exc...  
Average Function:    • Excel Tutorial for Beginners #3 | Exc...  
Rand Function:    • Excel Tutorial for Beginners #4 | Exc...  
Round Function:    • Excel Tutorial for Beginners #5 | Exc...  
Subtotal in Excel:    • Excel Tutorial for Beginners #6 | Exc...  
Date Function:    • Excel Tutorial for Beginners #7 | Exc...  
Time Function:    • Excel Tutorial for Beginners #8 | Exc...  
Text Functions:    • Excel Tutorial for Beginners #9 | Exc...  
Data Validation Function:    • Excel Tutorial for Beginners #10 | Ex...  
Kindly, go through the complete video and learn more about MS Excel formulas and functions and please subscribe the channel for more updates on the latest technical skills and tutorials.
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