Brandon Carlisle of Teenage Bottlerocket singing "Myage" with DESCENDENTS 10/17/15

Описание к видео Brandon Carlisle of Teenage Bottlerocket singing "Myage" with DESCENDENTS 10/17/15

Here is the video I took of Brandon singing "Myage" at Groverage. I know he practiced hard to do it, and was nervous, but he still forgot the third verse and was totally down on himself afterwards. My last message to him was telling him that I had this video and asking if he wanted me to post it. He replied, "Haha, nah, I sucked. Thanks dude. Great running into you." That was the last time I ever talked to him. Since then I've watched this video many times. My kids always fall apart laughing and ask to watch the video of the "funny dancing guy" singing. I think what Brandon didn't realize was that his performance was perfect. It was fun to watch, he put on a great show, and although he didn't perform the song exactly as it was originally recorded, his personality and sense of humor definitely showed through when he "messed up". It couldn't have been scripted any better. The "I knew you would" part still makes me crack up. PERFECT.

I decided after some time had passed to post this so other people can enjoy it too. I don't want to just sit on this performance and keep it for myself. It deserves to be shared with everyone who wasn't there and who thought the world of this dude. Thank you, Brandon. You meant more to me (and I'm sure many others) than I ever let you know.


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