Binaural Beats + White Noise 🎵 Experience Why Astronauts Follow This Power Nap Sleep Cycle

Описание к видео Binaural Beats + White Noise 🎵 Experience Why Astronauts Follow This Power Nap Sleep Cycle

This Soundscape follows the perfect nap cycle according to studies by NASA. It contains 6 minutes of sleep in time followed by 24 minutes of deep sleep.

"Science-Based Soundscapes for the Perfect Power Nap"

Are you having trouble falling asleep, or do you find it challenging to squeeze in a quick power nap? Our soundscapes are meticulously crafted to align with the ideal sleep cycle duration for your power nap. Whether you need a boost during the day or a moment of relaxation, our science-backed soundscapes have got you covered! 😊

And speaking of power naps, did you know that NASA has some interesting recommendations for optimizing your nap duration? They suggest keeping your nap under 30 minutes, with around 6 minutes spent falling asleep and approximately 26 minutes of actual nap time. So, with our tailored soundscapes, you'll be well on your way to a rejuvenating power nap experience!


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