The BIG Detail I Got Wrong About The Kick Drum

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Sooooo the kick drum. Do you bury the beater, or play off the head.

I'd long believed that these debates were irrelevant. Practically everything you needed to do, you could do with technique, and rebounding was a luxury reserved for the rare few with spacious practice studios and DW900s. Sure - if your space allows you, play off the head. But you might be wedged behind a planter at a coffee shop, or in a pit, where the kick drum is inches from your knee? You're really going to worry about rebound in that scenario?

But as I started coaching live students again (info above), I realized that in their homes, people DO have the ability to play under ideal circumstances. And it's there that two crucial details that used to be luxuries loomed large: distance to the drum and spring tension. So, let's tackle them. In this video, I'll share what I've learned about setting the kick drum up in the ideal scenario.


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