City Hazards for Pets

Описание к видео City Hazards for Pets

Dr. Carly Fox, Senior Veterinarian in the Emergency & Critical Care Service at the Schwarzman Animal Medical Center in New York City, discusses the unique challenges that urban environments pose to our animal companions. Learn vital safety tips and common health risks for city pets, whether they’re cozy in a high-rise apartment or accompanying you through city streets.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:31 High-Rise Syndrome
00:10:48 Hit by Car/Bike
00:16:58 Elevator, Escalator, & Revolving Door Injury
00:23:32 Dog Park Etiquette
00:27:54 Marijuana Ingestion
00:34:04 Leptospirosis
00:39:33 Pavement Injury
00:41:57 Rodenticide Ingestion
00:51:27 Blue Green Algae
00:54:42 Q&A


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