Nadir [ice] (217, 222, 243)

Описание к видео Nadir [ice] (217, 222, 243)

So I've been trying these multiplayer maps for some time to get more practice at the gem collection game mode.

Here are three runs of Nadir, one of my favorite maps. I have added annotations because they should be easier for you to keep track of (there are few big divisions in the video, unlike in a Marble Blast Levels video where the different levels form the divisions).

In all three runs, I make lots of mistakes, which makes sense because this map is like a 4:30 long level with over a hundred gems, most of which I don't know the positions of until shortly before I get them. Thus multiplayer maps can be considered the opposite of a short level with a well optimized path. Still, I like playing in this mode, and it lets me practice on some types of moves and improve my reliability on them.

Another note: I spent about 2 hours recording to get these three runs.

Songs: From that CD.


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