No Man's Sky S-Class Blue Alien Pistol Multitool with Black & Blue and Red Crystal - EUCLID GALAXY

Описание к видео No Man's Sky S-Class Blue Alien Pistol Multitool with Black & Blue and Red Crystal - EUCLID GALAXY

No Man's Sky S-Class Blue Alien Pistol Multitool with Black & Blue and Red Crystal - EUCLID GALAXY

Turn OFF multiplayer BEFORE using a portal to enter the system.

Glyphs are galaxy specific. So in order to arrive at the correct location you must use a portal in Euclid. Using a portal in any other galaxy will take you to a different location.

S-Class light blue alien multi tool with rear black & blue crystals, red crystal clip and teeth.

Reload an auto-save OR manual save on planet Atchelsu Beta. Multi tool is found on Atchelsu Beta at minor settlement co-ordinates +49.28, -77.13.

Don't forget to check out other cool alien or experimental multitools in my playlists.

I have PLAYLISTS dedicated to:

All Alien -    • All Alien Multitools  
All Experimental -    • All Experimental Multitools  
Alien Rifles -    • Alien Rifle Multitools  
Alien Pistols -    • Alien Pistol Multitools  
Experimental Rifles -    • Experimental Rifle Multitools  
Experimental pistols -    • Experimental Pistol Multitools  
Standard Unique Rifles -    • Standard Multitools  

Austintacious No Man's Sky Co-ordinate Exchange Reddit profile here -   / austintacious7  

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