Trapezius Anatomy: Origin, Insertion & Action

Описание к видео Trapezius Anatomy: Origin, Insertion & Action

⭐ Trapezius Muscle ⭐
💪 Origin: Superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance, nuchal ligament & spinous processes of C7 – T12 vertebrae
💪 Insertion: Lateral third of clavicle, acromion & spine of scapula
💪 Actions: Elevates scapula, depresses scapula, scapula adduction, scapula rotation, neck extension & lateral flexion.
💪 Nerve: Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI) (motor fibres) & C3, C4 cervical spinal nerves (pain and proprioceptive fibres)
💪 Artery: Superficial branch of transverse cervical artery or superficial cervical artery

0:00 - Intro
0:12 - Location of the trapezius muscle
0:27 - Origin of the trapezius muscle
1:53 - Insertion of the trapezius muscle
2:06 - Actions of the trapezius muscle
3:45 - Outro
3:56 - Trapezius muscle anatomy summary

⭐ If you would like some help memorising this information then be sure to check out the free muscle study flashcards on

⭐ Want to learn more about the trapezius muscle? Then check out the full article on the Bodyworks Prime website:

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