How To Find a GPS Tracker on Your Vehicle

Описание к видео How To Find a GPS Tracker on Your Vehicle

You will find many articles online on how to find a GPS Tracker in your car. I find it amusing that most of them have as their last step to get a professional to find it for you.
Do Not buy a cheap Bug Detector to find a tracker. They do not work. In this day and age all trackers have movement sensors inside and do Not emit a signal while being parked, and it is impossible for one person to sweep a vehicle with a detector while moving of course. Movement sensors usually kick in around 11 MPH so just shaking the vehicle does not work anymore. Read these words carefully. “ IF you are sweeping your vehicle with a gps detector while it’s parked you’re wasting your time.”
Most trackers only transmit or update to a website every 2 minutes or less to save on battery life. So if you’re trying to scan for it, even while in motion; you may not get a reading unless you held your RF/GSM Detector in every area for more than 2 minutes at a time. Believe me, No one is that thorough.
You might as well have a Spy Geek help you. People who try finding trackers themselves often get more frustrated and spend more money than if they would have just called us to begin with.
You must have a trained Spy Geek do a physical inspection with the car parked first. Then a rolling RF/GSM/GPS Sweep second. This is the only way my friends..

The physical inspection can take a while depending on how many accessible areas someone could hide a GPS/Bug in your particular vehicle; and whether or not that suspect has inside access. Remember whoever may be tracking you has to retrieve this device to either charge it or remove it after done with it. So it’s not going to be in an inaccessible area. Many times a Tracker can be found just by laying down with a flash light in your garage and looking underneath your vehicle for anything in a small black magnetic box. It will not look like part of the vehicle on the outside. Now inside the vehicle the most common areas to place a GPS Tracker is into the OBD Port under the driver’s side dash, usually near your fuse box. Just google your make and model of vehicle and “OBD Port” there will be a diagram where yours is. Having physical access to your car means your stalker could have wired a tracker to the battery under your hood. Being the oldest method and unlikely. However doing a good car sweep should also include checking for any non-stock wires connected to your vehicles 12 volt battery leading to the tracker itself.

Hint: The reason the Physical Inspection is so important. Many Passive GPS Trackers (Like the little Hockey Puck one at the start of the video) never emit any signal that can be measured by a RF Detector.

The Little Black Square Vehicle Tracker we sell in the video can be hypothetically placed anywhere inside with Velcro under your dash and be quite hard to find to the untrained eye. With limited access the person tracking you will have to magnetically place their tracker on the outside of your vehicle within arm’s reach, to be sure they can retrieve it to charge the battery. So limiting who has physical access to your vehicle will make it easier to find a tracker on the outside. It’s checking every nook and cranny on the inside on your vehicle that takes the most time.
It would be wise to remember that all GPS needs a way to get a signal to the satellite or cell phone tower. So it will not work in places where you lose all your signal strength on your own cell phone.
Example: Under your car seat is a big metal plate that usually blocks most GPS signals. The easiest way to tell where a tracker will Not be is just slowly scan around your car with your cell phone looking at your signal strength bar and when it fades to nothing, Stop and note that a tracker will not work here. Then scan around more until you find all the dead zones in your vehicle. By process of elimination you will now know all the areas in your car that a tracker will never work. From my personal experience I find most trackers somewhere deep hidden underneath the dash area; either attached by double stick tape or Velcro. Again while down there check your OBD Port. All these areas near and around the front dash board of any vehicle GPS/Cell phone signals always work.
Then underneath any vehicle GPS signals can bounce off the pavement to reach the sky. Be diligent about checking all these areas first in your Car Sweep for GPS Trackers.

If you do everything stated above you will be doing as good as us in checking your vehicle for any surreptitious GPS or Bugging devices. Now if you find something. Do Not Touch it. Get gloves and take photos of it then call the police or a trusted private investigator for removal so they can take prints off of it.
Spy Geeks is a division of Surveillance Plus
Disclaimer: It is illegal to track a vehicle that is not yours. Simple.
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