JIMI HENDRIX with MILES DAVIS? Purple Guitar, Kinda Blue Trumpet

Описание к видео JIMI HENDRIX with MILES DAVIS? Purple Guitar, Kinda Blue Trumpet

People often say “If only Jimi and Miles had got around to recording together” so I wondered “What if they had? What might it sound like?”. This is my attempt to answer that question, although it uses new technology, because I'm sure Jimi and Miles would never have stood still.
For anyone interested in the technicalities, I used granular synthesis, vocoding, a little AI and a lot of luck to create this track.
Everything was played on keyboard. I took some phrases from improvisations by Jimi and Miles, then re-arranged the notes in different orders and rhythms to generate new riffs with a family likeness to ones the musicians might actually play.
I then created drum and bass parts using loops. Once I had a rough structure for the piece I processed these further with tempo modulation, phasing and filtering to get a restless, shifting groove, aiming to channel the feel of Mitch Mitchell and Tony Williams. Other sounds were mangled with distortion, gate/filter sequences and modulated echo. Gradually a narrative emerged for the words and I assembled a harmonic structure somewhere between modal jazz and blues - I hope! The hardest work was at the end during mixing, trying to get the different sounds and frequencies to sit together whilst hearing most of the words.
Hi, I'm Stephen Godsall and I'm a composer/multi instrumentalist from Dorset, England. Thanks for watching and please subscribe to help grow my channel.


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