Lems Chukka Canvas Shoes | Review

Описание к видео Lems Chukka Canvas Shoes | Review

Here is my review of the Lems Mens Chukka Canvas shoes. These shoes by Lems are just one of their "barefoot shoe" offerings and my first step in to the barefoot shoes space. I plan on reviewing these shoes after using them for an extended period of time, but these are just my first impressions. If anybody has advice on barefoot shoes let me know!

Men's Chukka Canvas shoes on Lems' website:

2 Month Update Video:
   • Lems Chukka Canvas Shoes | 2 Month Up...  

I hope somebody is able to find this review helpful!

Some Other barefoot companies I know of are:
Xero Shoes

There are even more out there you just have to look!


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