Introduction to Austro-Hungarian Navy in WW1

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0:19 I shorten the name here and in the rest of the video to Imperial navy, but the full name of the navy was, "Austro-Hungarian Navy", "Imperial and Royal War Navy", " Kaiserliche und Königliche Kriegsmarine" or just "k.u.k. Kriegsmarine".

0:31 USA had lots of Heavy ships like dreadnoughts however lacked sufficient light ships like destroyers. Russia on the other hand had lots of light ships but no heavy ships at the start of the war.

1:06 I am rounding up in these calculations.

1:58 Or even prior to then from northern Italy when Venice and the surrounding area was under the Habsburg control.

2:18 The colors represent different ethnicities living in that part of the empire and the black stripes represent sizable German settlements in those areas.

2:29 However anti-air was developed later in the war.

2:32 Stokers- People who stoke the fire, basically add coal in to the engine.

4:07 So fuel isn't wasted.

4:19 However the navy did get a large boost to its budget prior to the outbreak of WW1.

4:32 Plus the Austro-Hungarian Navy was much more balanced.

5:03 Technically the triple alliance never broken up officially until the Italian deceleration of war in 1915. However it was clear by 1910 that Italy wasn't a reliable ally and Germany and Austria-Hungary treated her as such.

5:24 At least that's what the Austro-Hungarian military staff thought.

5:51 Technically the triple alliance was just a defensive pact so Italy didn't break any "promises" as Austria-Hungary and Germany where technically the aggressors in WW1. However they did declare war on them later so you know ...

7:12 Where the Admiral Miklós Horthy later to be the regent of Hungary came to prominence.

7:22 Austria-Hungary was also given some submarines (some even with German crew) from the Germans to use in the Mediterranean.

7:38 There was the naval Cattaro Mutiny before the end of the war but this involved only about 3% of the Imperial naval staff so it can be said there wasn't much support for it.

#History #OperationOdysseus #AustriaHungary #NavalHistory

For anyone wondering: the first song playing in the background is "Unter der Admiralsflagge" by Julius Fucik and the second is "Unter dem Doppeladler Marsch" by Josef Franz Wagner.


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