Zara Tindall family: Who are Mia Tindall's godparents? Has Prince William been snubbed? - Today New

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Zara Tindall family: Who are Mia Tindall's godparents? Has Prince William been snubbed? - Today New  Lena Elizabeth Tindall was born on June 18, 2018. She is the second child of the Queen’s eldest grandchild, Zara Tindall, and her husband Mike Tindall. She has a big sister, five-year-old Mia Grace Tindall, born on January 17, 2014. Royal christening: Did the QUEEN go to Lena Tindall’s big day? Meghan Markle shares one particular link with Mike Tindall  After Lena’s arrival, her proud dad Mike tweeted to make sure everyone knew how to pronounce her name: “Pronounced like Lay-na,” the rugby player told his 156,000 followers. On Sunday, the Daily Mail announced Prince Harry had been confirmed as the godfather to ten-month-old Lena. Lena was christened in a private family ceremony at St Nicholas Church in Cherington, Gloucestershire. Harry and his expectant wife Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, were photographed at Lena’s christening along with the Tindall family and the Queen. READ MORE: Royal row REIGNITED - Meghan OVERSHADOWS Kate's pride and joy as palace forced to intervene But while it’s well-known that Zara and Harry are close cousins, Royal Family watchers wondered if Harry’s older brother Prince William had been snubbed for the honour of godparent. Buckingham Palace told that Mia’s godparents were a “private matter” and declined to comment. However, there are a few safe bets, according to royal author and expert Marlene Koening. Zara Tindall gives Prince Harry royal nod over William by doing this Zara Tindall: Shocking reason she missed out on royal title  While Harry is little Lena's godfather, Marlene told it would be fair to assume Prince William is one of little Mia’s godfathers. She said: “[Previously written] articles for the baptism for Mia do not name godparents, but Prince William attended as did Iain Balshaw.” Iain Balshaw is a much-praised English former rugby union player. He is close friends with Mike Tindall - also a former rugby union player - and was best man at Mike and Zara’s wedding in 2011. Ms Koenig said: “One can assume that William was godfather as he attended the baptism. He’s unlikely to have gone if he were not. READ MORE: Royal wedding SNUB - How the Queen won't go to Lady Gabriella Windsor's wedding “The same goes for Iain Balshaw.” From looking at pictures of Prince William with Mia, it’s clear the two share an adorable bond. Mia grabbed headlines in 2016 when she posed for an Annie Leibowitz photograph with the Queen and her other great-grandchildren, and posed holding the Queen’s purse. A source at the palace told People Magazine: "She just did it! She just picked it up—it wasn't staged. It was completely spontaneous.”


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