Hope & Josie | Remember (AU)

Описание к видео Hope & Josie | Remember (AU)

Stydia season 6A, but make it Hosie (read more for the plot).

So ever since Hope jumped into Malivore and was forgotten I always had this edit in the back of my mind. I just thought it was so uncannily similar to Teen Wolf when everyone forgot Stiles so I wanted to connect the two somehow. And given how Stydia was the six season slow burn that built up to the moment Lydia remembered Stiles, I wanted to mirror it with one of Hope's relationships. The obvious choice was Hosie cause if any of her potential ships have a chance of becoming canon, it would be a slow burn with Josie. But anyways, here's the plot (beware cause it's a long one).

Hope calls Josie and tells her she's jumping into Malivore, much to Josie's dismay. However, you can't just completely erase someone from existence and soon everyone is able to figure out who's missing. To bring Hope back, they must try to remember all the memories they can and find a connection to tether her back to the real world (idk man, that's how they did it in Teen Wolf). Lizzie and Landon have already tried with no success. Now, it's up to Josie. Landon guides her through her subconscious by giving her instructions to see her memories through a tv screen. He tells her to find a memory where the two really connected. Josie navigates through different memories of her and Hope, slowly remembering the other girl. Back in the real world, everyone is anxiously waiting. They can see Josie's hand motion where she looks like she's clicking an invisible remote. Overwhelmed by the amount of memories coming back to her, Josie sets the remote down and wakes up. She is immediately bombarded with a memory where she tells Hope to stay. She realizes that was the pivotal point in their relationship where everything changed. After that, all her memories of Hope come flooding back and she remembers the moment when it all happened: when Hope first called her. More specifically, she remembers that Hope told her she loved her before jumping into Malivore. Josie looks up at Landon, spilling her regrets that she never said it back.


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