(New) Audience Engagement: Digital Trends and Strategies – Full Classical:NEXT 24 Conference Session

Описание к видео (New) Audience Engagement: Digital Trends and Strategies – Full Classical:NEXT 24 Conference Session

Your biggest enemy in filling halls is ... the couch! But you have the means at your hand to make people go see more classical music live: Data. Your audience = your data, and you might as well use it! Says Sophie Garzon-Lapierre.

According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers (trust) recommendations from friends and family over any form of advertising. Yet ‘word of mouth’ is one of the hardest marketing strategies to master. Learn how performing arts organisations in Europe and the US tailor their strategies, using digital tools designed to keep and attract new audiences via flexible membership models, social features for community engagement and growth, direct-to-customer communication, and curated educational content, leading to improved conversion and sales.


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