CS:GO's Worst Teammate 2 Ft. AdvancedAim

Описание к видео CS:GO's Worst Teammate 2 Ft. AdvancedAim

Upload Date: 20210418
Video ID: yLLV5wnvfrE
These are some other clips from around the same timeframe with the same idea as the first video. The game with the Australian is a bit older but I decided to use it anyway. My apologies on being less active lately, I have not been available as much as I've started the moving process. I will still push out videos until then. Enjoy!

Fake Sighing & Complaining (0:00)
Blocking Teammate Causes Rage (2:17)
Blocking Teammate + Argument (3:05)
White Kid Addicted To The N Word (5:33)
Complaining About Team Damage After 1 Shot (6:52)
Costa Rican Style Cooldowns (9:12)
Griefing On Vertigo (11:26)
Worst Australian Cheater Ever (12:46)
Credits (16:13)


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