ಕಾಲಿನ ಸೆಳೆತಕ್ಕೆಈ 6 ವ್ಯಾಯಾಮಗಳು ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡಿಯೇ ಮಾಡುತ್ತವೆ!

Описание к видео ಕಾಲಿನ ಸೆಳೆತಕ್ಕೆಈ 6 ವ್ಯಾಯಾಮಗಳು ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡಿಯೇ ಮಾಡುತ್ತವೆ!


ಕಾಲಿನ ಸೆಳೆತಕ್ಕೆಈ 6 ವ್ಯಾಯಾಮಗಳು ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡಿಯೇ ಮಾಡುತ್ತವೆ!

Knee to Chest Exercise:
The knee to chest exercise is a simple yet effective stretching movement that targets the muscles in the lower back, buttocks, and hips. It helps improve flexibility, relieve tension in the lower back, and promote relaxation.

To perform the knee to chest exercise:

Lie flat on your back on a comfortable surface, such as a yoga mat or exercise mat.
Bend both knees and keep your feet flat on the ground.
Bring one knee towards your chest by hugging it with both hands or interlacing your fingers behind your thigh.
Hold the position for 15-30 seconds while breathing deeply.
Slowly release the leg back to the starting position.
Repeat the movement with the other leg.
This exercise can be modified by pulling both knees towards your chest simultaneously, providing a deeper stretch for the lower back and hips. Remember to perform the exercise in a controlled manner and avoid any jerking motions.

Straight Leg Raising with Foot Up and Down:
The straight leg raising exercise with foot up and down is a strengthening exercise that primarily targets the muscles in the thighs, especially the quadriceps, as well as the hip flexors. It helps improve leg strength, stability, and flexibility.

To perform this exercise:

Lie flat on your back on a mat or comfortable surface.
Keep one leg straight and the other leg bent with the foot flat on the ground.
Engage your core muscles by drawing your navel towards your spine.
Slowly raise the straight leg towards the ceiling, maintaining a straight line from your hip to your toes.
Once your leg is raised, point your toes towards the ceiling.
Slowly lower your leg back down to the starting position.
Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions and then switch legs.
Focus on maintaining control and avoiding any swinging or jerking movements. Start with a comfortable range of motion and gradually increase it over time. Remember to breathe throughout the exercise and maintain proper form.

Tummy Tucking Exercise:
The tummy tucking exercise, also known as abdominal hollowing or abdominal bracing, is a core-strengthening exercise that targets the deep abdominal muscles. It helps improve core stability, posture, and overall abdominal strength.

To perform the tummy tucking exercise:

Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Alternatively, you can perform this exercise while standing or on all fours.
Take a deep breath in and, as you exhale, draw your navel towards your spine, imagining that you're hollowing out your abdomen.
Hold the contraction for 10-20 seconds while maintaining normal breathing.
Release and repeat for several repetitions.
Focus on keeping the movement isolated to the abdominal muscles and avoid holding your breath. This exercise can be done daily to improve core stability and enhance overall posture.

Dead Bug Exercise:
The dead bug exercise is a core exercise that targets the deep abdominal muscles, promotes core stability, and helps improve coordination.

To perform the dead bug exercise:

Lie flat on your back on a mat with your arms extended towards the ceiling.
Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle, with your shins parallel to the ground.
Engage your core muscles by drawing your navel towards your spine.
Slowly lower one arm overhead towards the ground while simultaneously straightening and lowering the opposite leg.
Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite arm and leg.
Continue alternating sides for the desired number of repetitions.
Ensure that your lower back remains pressed into the mat throughout the exercise. Focus on maintaining control and stability, avoiding any excessive arching


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