
Описание к видео Constantine

Director: unknown | Production Country: France | Year: 1913 | Production Company: Eclair (France)| FLM13048 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) -

Travelogue about the city of Constantine in the north of Algeria.
Includes shots of both the European and Arabic part of the city. Furthermore images of the bridge of El-Kantara under which the Rhummel flows, the palace of Ahmed Bey, nomadic tribes on the outside of the city, the Arab market and images of indigenous people.

Travelogue van de stad Constantine in het noorden van Algerije.
Overzichtsbeelden van zowel het Europese als Arabische deel van de stad. Verder zijn opnamen te zien van onder andere: de brug van El-Kantara waaronder de Rummel stroomt, het paleis van Hadj-Ahmed, nomadenstammen aan de buitenkant van de stad, de Arabische markt en beelden van inheemse bevolking.

This film is from the Jean Desmet Collection at Eye Filmmuseum.
Jean Desmet (1875-1956) was one of the leading cinema operators and film distributors in the Netherlands from 1907 – 1916. The Jean Desmet Collection at EYE has more than 900 films, and is included UNESCO's Memory of the World Register.

Interested in licensing? For more information about this film and other items from our collection please contact [email protected]
phone +31 (0)20 5891 426 mobile +31 (0)6 4118 9635


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