GRADE 1-3 Reading Comprehension Practice I My Pet I Let Us Read! I with Teacher Jake

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Reading Comprehension Practice with Questions to Answer

3 Short Reading Passages:
- I have a pet.
- Oh no! My pet is sick.
- My pet is at the vet.


I have a pet. It is a cat. Its name is Whisker.
It has soft fur and big brown eyes.
It likes to play with yarn.
Every day, I give Whisker food and water.
I pet it, and it purrs. We are best friends.
I love my pet cat, Whisker.

1. Does she love her pet cat?
a. Yes, she loves her pet.
b. No, she loves her pet.
c. Yes, she loves her dog.
2. What is the name of her pet?
a. Its name is Whiskey.
b. Its name is Whinker.
c. Its name is Whisker.
3. The pet has soft fur and ____.
a. small brown eyes
b. big brown eyes
c. big brown ears
Answer: 1. a, 2. c, 3. b


“Whisker, what’s the matter?” Lily speaks to her pet.
Whisker meows softly.
Oh no! My pet is sick.
Lily’s mother takes Whisker to the vet.
Lily thinks of her pet.
She knows her pet will be okay.

1. What happened to her pet, Whisker?
a. It got fat.
b. It got lost.
c. It got sick.
2. Who took the pet to the vet?
a. Lily's mother
b. Lily's father
c. Lily herself
3. Does Lily think that it will be okay?
a. No, it will not be okay.
b. Yes, it will be okay.
c. Yes, it will not be.
Answer: 1. c, 2. a, 3. b


The vet, Dr. Jones, checks Whisker.
"Whisker has a cold." The vet says.
The vet gives Lily's mother some medicine for Whisker. "Thank you." Lily's mother says.
At their house, Lily is happy because Whisker is home.
Whisker is playing with Lily, and they are happy.

1. Who was the one who checked Whisker?
a. The vet, Dr. Janes
b. The vet, Dr. Jones
c. The vet, Mr. Jones
2. What does the doctor give her mother?
a. some medicine
b. some pet snacks
c. some pet toys
3. Does Whisker come back home after?
a. No, it is not at home.
b. Yes, it is now at home.
c. Yes, it is not at home.
Answer: 1. b, 2. c, 3. b


Comprehension, or extracting meaning from what we read, is the ultimate goal of reading.

This video is used to practice the reading and understanding of the students in the class.

This will cultivate the students' love for reading, develop their oral and reading skills, and train them in critical reading and thinking.

Teacher Jake


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