Buddhist Cosmology for Westerners

Описание к видео Buddhist Cosmology for Westerners

Buddhist cosmology is vast and complex and is found in both Theravada and Mahayana branches of Buddhism. But it is often ignored or dismissed by Westerners as something that's not important or can't be proved. Yet, it provides an important foundation for what the half-billion Buddhists around the world believe in, and what spurs them to continue on the path towards enlightenment.

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00:00 Introduction
03:13 Realms of Rebirth
04:54 Nonself, Five Aggregates, Namaprupa, Store Consciousness
05:35 Rebirth
06:20 Deva or Heavenly Realm
09:30 Human Realm
14:05 Demigods Realm
14:20 Animals Realm
14:39 Hungry Ghosts Realm
15:00 Hell Realm
15:20 A Westerner's Interpretation
17:27 Periods of Time and Kalpas or Aeons
21:21 Buddhist Practice Correlation
22:04 Buddha Fields and Pure Lands
29:35 Conclusion


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