BK and BLBK Amputees Run for First Time on Running Blades

Описание к видео BK and BLBK Amputees Run for First Time on Running Blades

We had the great privilege and honor of providing prosthetic care to Gabi and Guy, who lost their limbs while serving in the Israeli defense forces. Both men were impressed with the new technology in feet - especially running blades! Guy, a bilateral bk amputee, told us he had not run since he was injured, over 20 years ago. He was worried that he might not remember how to run, but after a hesitant start, Guy was soon working on perfecting his technique and running outdoors! Gabi, a bk amputee, had not been able to run for any amount of time without experiencing discomfort. Once he was fit with a comfortable socket and high-tech blade, he was off and running - and rarely stopped! By the end of our time together, not only were both men feeling confident and comfortable in their prostheses, they had become like family to many of our patients and staff. Just before they left for the airport, Gabi and Guy presented Stan with an amazing framed gift which we proudly placed on a wall. The caption is: "Brothers for Life."


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