How did the Greeks plan to defend against the Persian invasion in 480 BC?

Описание к видео How did the Greeks plan to defend against the Persian invasion in 480 BC?

A look at the problems faced by Sparta, Athens and the other allies when faced with Xerxes' invasion in 480 BC. We talk about the army sent to the Pass at Temkpe as well as the later - and far more famous - defence of the Pass at Thermopylae.

For further reading, try P. Cartledge, The Spartans. An epic history (2002), pp. 100-120 who favours the idea that Thermopylae was a folorn hope, C. Mathew, 'Was the Greek defence of Thermopylae in 480 BC a suicide mission?', in C. Matthew & M. Trundle (eds), Beyond the Gates of Fire. New perspectives on the battle of Thermopylae (2013), pp. 60-99, and on the question of supply, N. Sekunda, 'Greek logistics at Plataiaei and strategical planning during the third invasion of Greece (480-479 BC)', in A. Konecny & N. Sekinda (eds.), The Battle of Plataiai 479 BC (2022), pp. 153-166.


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