The Healing Power of Meditation and Creation of 'Infinite Cosmic Records'

Описание к видео The Healing Power of Meditation and Creation of 'Infinite Cosmic Records'

In this insightful interview, Maya the Shaman, an Indigenous Filipino healer and spiritual teacher who now resides in the Appalachian Mountains, shares her journey into healing and spirituality and the inspiration behind her book, ‘The Infinite Cosmic Records: Sacred Doorways to Healing and Remembering’.

Maya’s spiritual awakening began with her ancestral roots in shamanism. A turning point in her life was her father’s passing, which deepened her connection to the Cosmic Records, a source of ancient wisdom and healing. This connection allowed her to develop Lemurian Code Healing™, a powerful healing modality based on the spiritual insights of Lemuria, an ancient civilization.
Maya also specializes in Ancestral Healing, helping individuals release inherited traumas and restore harmony in their lineage. Another key practice is Heart-Centered Healing (HBR), which focuses on emotional and spiritual healing through the heart chakra.

Throughout her work, Maya shares stories of telepathic communication with spiritual beings, ancestors, and cosmic guides, guiding individuals to higher realms of consciousness and spiritual growth.
Her book introduces readers to the Cosmic Records and offers tools for spiritual transformation. Through workshops, sessions, and healing practices, Maya helps individuals reconnect with their higher selves and align with their soul’s purpose. Find Maya the Shaman at or [email protected].

Infinite Cosmic Records: Sacred Doorways to Healing & Remembering: by Maya the Shaman
Have you ever imagined being transported to portals of doorways where you can revisit your past, present, or future lives? Like movies rewinding the time and space continuum, seeing and meeting your guides, and receiving relevant messages for you? Or meeting your star families and seeing yourself at the world’s edge, viewing the cosmos in its majestic splendor — even finding God and bliss? It sounds like a fantasy fiction story, but in this book, the mystic seekers are real people with real stories who have seen their complex lives during their Infinite Cosmic Records sessions. Are you ready to experience yours? Your guide is Maya the Shaman, born in Maharlika, the Philippines, from a lineage of Shamans and Healers of the ancient land of Mu or Lemuria. Living most of her life in America, Maya sees the ailing need of the West for a superior healing modality from the East. These innovative sacred healing methods are based on what Maya terms “HBR,” meaning ‘Heart-centered healing that ‘Bridges’ the ancient past to the current healing needs through the art of ‘Remembering.’ “Infinite Cosmic Records” is a branch of the Lemurian Code Healing modality created by Maya. With the right intention, you will be given what you’re looking for, discovering the profound connections across your lifetimes and unlocking the wisdom within. Grab your copy at at Barnes & Noble:


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