S2 Ep 6. Jim Hodgkins - Exits to Adobe and Nielsen.

Описание к видео S2 Ep 6. Jim Hodgkins - Exits to Adobe and Nielsen.

Exits to Adobe and Nielsen and smashing BHAGs at Experian, Jim has seen it all in Start-ups and Scale-ups.

More on Jim https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimhodgkins/

Key Discussion Points

KPIs metrics
- When you know when you've got traction
- Promotion channel fit and finding a viable ROI
- When your marginal CPA is too high
- Stretch goals - BHAGs - Big hairy audacious goals
- Promoted and unprompted awareness
- Depth of awareness

- The dangers of over-reliance in one channel
- Multiple channels and where they impact customer customer behaviour
- Paid and unpaid and getting the balance right - Too much reliance on one channel creating a growth problem
- The right balance of investing in media payback vs. building for the long-term
- Building up content really early

Team and people
- Knowing what good looks like and calling out what bad looks like
- The Monday morning meeting - everyone is calling it out - adapting
- Doubling-down on things that work correctly
- Ability to move quickly - in the right direction
- Managing debate
- Rounded marketing infrastructure
- When to invest - Making sure not too far ahead of the curve
- Growing a culture of super high growth
- When to bring in new faces

Agencies and third parties
- Who you can trust to get the job done
- Which sections or departments to scale first

Positioning and messaging
- Achieving the level of fame in the industry that you're operating
- The importance of differentiation in a
- Character of the organisation - providing depth of the message from the Pain-points


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